With the PlayMais World Jungle kit you can create the atmosphere of your own jungle. Build the scenery and the jeep out of the cardboard sheets provided and decorate them with the PlayMais pieces.
PlayMais Mosaic Unicorn stimulates creativity and helps with eye-hand coordination. Children learn to stick the correct colour. Playmais building blocks on the pre-printed cards with images of unicorns. Glue is unnecessary, imagination and a little water is all you need. PlayMais is made from corn, water and food colouring and is therefore natural, safe and biodegradable.
With this MOSAIC set from PlayMais®, you can create colourful pictures and figures in the theme of the zoo. Recreating the six template pictures trains fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This set contains PlayMais® pieces made from maize and coloured with food colouring. Moistening the PlayMais® pieces activates their natural stickiness after which the crafting fun can begin. Incl. …
PlayMais is an all natural crafting toy that is 100% biodegradable and doesn’t impact the environment. It’s made from corn grits and water, and coloured with food colouring.Endless creations are possible from easy 2D mosaics to more challenging 3D creations for older children. All you need is a touch of water and plenty of imagination! PlayMais is ideal for children …
PlayMais, a box full of creativity! PlayMais Mosaic stimulates creativity and helps little hands make fantastic things. No glue needed. PlayMais Mosaic is made from corn, water and food colouring. PlayMais Mosaic is therefore natural, safe and 100% biodegradable. This box contains over 2300 PlayMais Mosaic, 6 printed cards, a sponge and an instruction manual. Now open your box and …